Thursday, July 2, 2009

Motion Picture Nostalgia

Movies. Movies. Movies.

An American past time.

The only thing that allows people to escape their boring, mundane lives even if only for a moment. A person can sit and be in a completely different place, be a completely different person. They forget about bills, and mortgages, and all the curve balls that life throws at them.

They get to escape.

Maybe I hold movies in too high regard. Afterall, they are only meant to entertain right? But when you see a great film, like a really awesome, completely enthralling motion picture; its life changing.

I'm talking about the movies that stuck with you while you were growing up. movies like Star Wars, The Godfather, Casablanca, Indiana Jones, ET, The Breakfast Club, Titanic..
These movies and so many more like them, shaped the way the later 20th century entertainment industry entertained the masses.
I mean who hasn't seen Star Wars?

I go out with my friends at least once a week and catch a movie. And it is my favorite thing to do. I love the excitment before the lights dim. I love the "Did you see that!" and the "Oh my God!" comments. I love the smell of popcorn. I love talking about the film with my friends afterwards. Whether we are completely baffled by how awesome it was or we are completely ripping it to shreds.

It evokes an emotion in us that makes us want to relive our favorite parts or figure out a scene we didn't quite understand.

Most people my age like to party. They like to drink, dance, and have a good time... More power to them

Sit me in front of a TV with Indiana Jones fighting a gang of Nazis over the Holy Grail playing on the screen, I'm the happiest girl alive.