Friday, April 16, 2010

Beginning of a journey

Every time I start to write on here I always find myself trying to sound deep and thoughtful. It's really frustrating because in all honesty I don't find myself to be such a deep person in everyday life. But when I sit down to write something I feel like I have to say something extraordinary.

Why is that you think?

Writing is something that I am very good at. In school I can knock out an essay in an hour and get a good grade. But when I am sitting down putting my thoughts on paper (or the interwebs as the case may be) I always draw a blank.

I have many thoughts and ideas that I want, no NEED to get out of my head sometimes but I just can't get them out. Is there some kind of manual for blogging because I could really use some sort of hand book.

The reason why I even made a blog was because many of my friends told me that I had something to say and that I should put it out there.

Well I would really like to know what that is because I am grasping as straws here.

grasping at straws? Who even made up that saying.. weird.

I guess what I am going to do here is just write down what comes to my head. Free writing. My freshman year of college my lit Professor had us write in a journal and we always had to fill up the page. Even if we had nothing left to say on the topic we had to just "keep writing". Even if it meant literally writing down that we had nothing left to say.

Kind of an interesting exercise which actually helped me write many papers. It kind of got the creative juices flowing and as I kept writing I thought of either something I forgot to mention or another angle on the topic I wanted to explore.

I leave for Florida State in 3 weeks. Equal parts exciting and terrifying.

Oh man. cool idea popped up...

I am gonna document my journey at college. At least the first semester away. It will give me something to do while I meet people and I think it will be cool to look back on the people I meet and the things I do as I try to find my way through my life away at college. An experience I haven't yet had even with a college degree already under my belt.

It should be interesting..

Until next time.