Thursday, July 2, 2009

Motion Picture Nostalgia

Movies. Movies. Movies.

An American past time.

The only thing that allows people to escape their boring, mundane lives even if only for a moment. A person can sit and be in a completely different place, be a completely different person. They forget about bills, and mortgages, and all the curve balls that life throws at them.

They get to escape.

Maybe I hold movies in too high regard. Afterall, they are only meant to entertain right? But when you see a great film, like a really awesome, completely enthralling motion picture; its life changing.

I'm talking about the movies that stuck with you while you were growing up. movies like Star Wars, The Godfather, Casablanca, Indiana Jones, ET, The Breakfast Club, Titanic..
These movies and so many more like them, shaped the way the later 20th century entertainment industry entertained the masses.
I mean who hasn't seen Star Wars?

I go out with my friends at least once a week and catch a movie. And it is my favorite thing to do. I love the excitment before the lights dim. I love the "Did you see that!" and the "Oh my God!" comments. I love the smell of popcorn. I love talking about the film with my friends afterwards. Whether we are completely baffled by how awesome it was or we are completely ripping it to shreds.

It evokes an emotion in us that makes us want to relive our favorite parts or figure out a scene we didn't quite understand.

Most people my age like to party. They like to drink, dance, and have a good time... More power to them

Sit me in front of a TV with Indiana Jones fighting a gang of Nazis over the Holy Grail playing on the screen, I'm the happiest girl alive.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I have been thinking a lot lately about life. How short it is to be precise. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You can plan all you want but life throws twists and turns at you whenever you get the chance. I recently lost someone that I thought would be here forever. The youth director at my church died of a brain anurism earlier this week and after the initial shock and then the 3 straight hours of crying I started to think about how easy it is to take life for granted. You never know when it is going to end.

We were going on a trip to North Carolina with the youth in just 2 weeks... I had talked to her just the day before and she was perfectly fine. healthy as a horse. she was a power house, always taking care of us, pushing us to do better, going to school funtions. I never knew how much I took her for granted. I wish I could have just one more day to tell her I was accepted to Florida State. Just one more day to tell her how much I appreciated all that she did for me. Just one more day so she coupld know how much we all loved her. She never gave up on us. no matter how much we pushed she always pushed back... urging us to be better and succeed. I miss her a lot.

It hits me at the strangest times that she is really gone. When I'm driving around doing errons, grocery shopping, at work. It's like and avalanche that hits you all at once. This overwhelming feeling that its real. That she is really gone. And then I feel guilty because I already forgot about her. Even if it was only for a few hours. even moments.

She made such a huge impact on my life and it took her death to make me realize it. It's not fair.

When I think about how much it effected me I cant help but feel for her kids. I grew up with them. Even though I'm sure she drove them crazy you could see how much they loved her. and she them. Everything she did was for them. I cant even imagine what they are feeling right now.

I almost fear tomorrow when i see them at the funeral. I dont know what to say. What can you say? Nothing will bring her back. Nothing will make the pain go away.

Life isn't fair. Death is even less. All you can do is keep on living and hope that you will make it through the hard times so you can get to the good times. At least thats how I see it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Me? In Advertising? Maybe...

Hey All!
I know that know one reads this but I think I'm actually going to make an effort to keep up with this blog. Every few years I start a new journal or notebook and I keep up with it for a few weeks and then I either get too busy of I lose interest. So maybe if I am typing and not writing it I'll make more of an effort. Because frankly, I think every is more inclined to do something if it is easier.
I was watching youtube today and I am subscribed to the vlogbrothers and John Green (Who just happens to be one of my favorite authors) does videos every once in a while about current news stories and he had probably the most ingenious way to keep people interested in the news. His video today was about the 30 year civil war going to today in Sri Lanka, while interesting in itself, became even more appealing as he was applying creamy peanut butter all over his face while discussing it. Not only was it interesting to watch but I could see how it could captivate audiences who are more inclined to pass over a news story because it doesn't apply to them.
Who doesn't like a guy with peanut butter all over his face?
on other news, I have been listening to this podcast created by Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier. Now, I already love anything created by Kevin Smith (with the exception of Jersey Girl good try Kevin but not quite there.) but I find this podcast extremely interesting. It is basically an hour of Kevin and Mosier bullshitting about a whole range of topics, from clones to a kid from the make a wish foundation whose last wish is for Mosier to kill a homeless man. Every minute is interesting to hilarious.
All right, this post seems to just be a huge advert for Kevin Smith and John green. I promise I'm not in advertising. Although it does seem to be a natural career move for me at this point.
Also, I seem to write a lot more eloquently than I actually talk. I say Y'all and whatever much more than an average person should. However, at least I get my point across.
My first real blog. Let's see how this goes shall we?