Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I remembered!

Day 8: A place you've traveled to

I have actually done a lot of traveling in my lifetime. I've been to the Grand Canyon, Appalachian Trail, New York City, Washington DC, Paris, Geneva.... The list goes on and on. lol I would have to say that my favorite trip that I have been on would be my trip up the east coast a few years ago. It was the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore year of college and I wanted to go out and do something. So I planned, paid for and booked my own trip and I went by myself. Granted, I was staying with family the whole time. But I organized it myself (for the most part) and just left. I only really planned it about a month in advance. I wanted to go so I just left. I flew up to North Carolina and stayed with my Grandparents for a few days. It was the last time I was able to see my grandmother before she passed and I was really happy that I got to see her one last time. Even if it was only for a few days. After that I flew into Baltimore and took the train to DC. I met up with my cousin Melissa and she took me out on the town. I have another cousin, Lauren, who lived there at the time and I spent some time with her as well. We went to "Movie on the Mall" which is an event when a HUGE projector screen is put on the Mall in front of the capital building and people watch old movies and lay out picnicing on blankets and just having a good time relaxing.

I had a few hours a day to kill though while they were at work so I took the Metro and visited museums and the Library of Congress. I got to do and see what I wanted, which is something that a person doesn't always get to do when they are traveling with a bunch of people.  

After a few days in DC my cousin Melissa and I decided to take the Bolt Bus to New York city and spend the night. (She had a free Night at the Hilton) We fit what would be a week long trip into a day and a half. We went to times square, saw a Broadway show (RENT), took a carriage ride through central park, a ferry ride under the Brooklyn Bridge and saw the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, we went to Battery Park and saw street performers. The list goes on...

After that, we went back to DC and I caught a flight home and slept for about 2 days.

This trip wasn't to just one place but it was my first trip that I planned and paid for all by myself. I kinda grew up a little bit after that. Not to mention that I got to see family that I don't get to see that often and I was able to see some really awesome sights.

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