Monday, February 14, 2011

Playing catch up again...

Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy

This photo was taken for my going away dinner before I left for Florida State last year. Not everyone could make it but it was a great night with some great friends. I miss them like crazy but every time I am in town we always get together and it feels like we all just hung out last weekend. I have some amazing friends and they mean the world to me.

Day 7: Favorite movies

I am a HUGE movie buff so it is going to be difficult to come up with a list of my favorite movies. I am going to try to narrow it down to 5 though.

1.) "Newsies"
Newsies is probably my all time favorite movie. It is incredibly cheesy but I love every minute of it. The songs are amazing and it really defined my childhood movie experiences. I used to drive my friends crazy because I would random bust out singing "King of New York". Ohhh the memories.. lol

2.) "Brick"
"Brick" is a recent discovery of mine which I am grateful for. It is an indie noir film that completely captivated me and easily squeezed itself into my top favorite movies. Joseph Gordon Levitt helped a bit as well (He was the reason I looked the film up in the first place) But the whole cast was amazing. Check it out if you haven't. I really recommend it.

3.) "Chasing Amy"
Let me say that I am a huge Kevin Smith fan. I love the guy and most of his work. (I even enjoyed Jersey Girl) But chasing Amy is probably my favorite out of his filmography. It was a close between This and Mallrats but Chasing Amy had real heart to it. It really was a touching love story and just the right amount of comedy. Love it.

4.) "Inception"
This movie only came out last year but it was so amazing I just couldn't leave it out. Truly amazing piece of work by Mr. Nolan and the cast is mesmerizing. It had a great story that really made the viewer think (Which I love in a film) and it had enough action to keep almost anyone interested in what was going on. In a time where movies are defined by big budgets and 3D, it's nice to find a film that is both intelligent and fun.

5.) "Reservoir Dogs"

I just love this movie. I love the way it was shot. I love the cast. I love the dark humor. And let's be honest, anyone who has seen this film can't listen to "Stuck in the Middle with You" without thinking about someone's ear getting bitten off. Tarantino is a great dialog writer who keeps the movie going and the audiences attention. Great film.

Honorable Mentions
"Indiana Jones TRILOGY" (I don't like to count the last one. Didn't live up to what I had hoped)

"The Breakfast Club"
"The Boondock Saints"

"Cool Hand Luke"
"Fight Club"

Well those are my favorite movies. It was really hard and I can't believe that Indian Jones didn't make top five but I've been watching some new stuff lately that just seem to more interesting to me at the moment. Hope all is well!

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